Thank you for explaining this so well!

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Hi Jen and thanks so much for all your fantastic posts. Two things I would love to hear more about your thoughts on: firstly Dr Mitchell states that the claim mammograms cause cancer is false and that the radiation dose is very small. My understanding is that although the dose is indeed small, regular mammograms DO cause a very small number of additional breast cancers, it’s just that this small number is outweighed by the number of lives saved via early detection. Still, important information..

Second, while mammograms remain a recommended screening tool around the world and save many lives via early detection, the issue of over diagnosis has been raised by reputable experts. Basically by detecting very early cancers we treat women whose cancer would never progress without treatment. Love to hear your thoughts. Warmly, Rosie

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It is such a scam! I cannot resist fighting in comments section with people on this topic whenever it comes up. There is a thermography clinic run near me, and it's run by a doctor, who does have a legitimate medical degree but does not hold a current license to practice! A breast specialist sent some patients there who had confirmed, biopsy-proven breast cancer and their success rate of picking it up was very poor https://www.stuff.co.nz/sunday-star-times/features/4314106/Breast-thermography-heat-is-on

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It’s criminal really

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Same here, with thermography, menopause hormone therapy with pellets and compounded pills and creams based on regular blood work, O-shots, many expensive herbs for "women's health." One GYN/OB is now having women-in-midlife retreats where she and her ilk push their bogus therapies. The first one she did started at $6k+ for 3 DAYS! She has a clinic that works outside the insurance model so just about anything goes. Drives me nuts.

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Thank you Dr.Gunter for this information. A company recently started providing this in my area and I have been receiving lots of ads in my social media feeds. I have history of breast cancer and I’ll admit I was initially sucked in thinking this would be additional screening I could access. Fear of recurrence can make you susceptible to this type of marketing and your information is so valuable to me.

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So do you recommend yearly Mammograms ? Any thoughts on Bcaction.org ? Breast Cancer Action.

They seem to suggest that they're yearly Mammograms. https://www.bcaction.org/should-i-get-a-mammogram/

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I am going to the breast health course at the Menopause Society meeting next week, so I am going to wait on making any comments until I get to hear what’s knew! So stay tuned.

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Thank You !

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Great explanation.

Back in my more credulous days, I almost fell for this, but I saw the light. Now I apply what you stated here: that if it's being offered, especially by an MD or DO, I would question anything they say. I even do this with vets offering integrative healthcare.

I Googled and see some of the positive reports from early 2000s are still there but more recently, even a number of naturopaths advise against thermography.

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The WISDOM Study (wisdomstudy.org; info@wisdomstudy.org) is enrolling women without breast cancer in a study to determine the best screening protocols. Study participants choose which arm they enroll in: standard annual screening, or screening or a personalized screening schedule base on personal risk factors. The study hopes to learn if some (all?) women might be best served by a different screening protocol. A colleague informed me of the study. I believe she's in the personalized arm (she has a complicated reason for that I won't go into). I chose the annual screen. It's great to be in a study where you have a choice like that!

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greatest good for the greatest means using the least expensive and invasive screening method. Mammography derects nearly 80% of cancer.

I had a lumpectomy and 6 mos od radiatiin in 2013, ciuildnt afford arimadex so dc'd after a week. Big sis died iof tenacous breast cam but mine was one and dione in 2023. Follow uo mammo when I finally connected with a PA last year was fine. I wont bither with further mammograms unless I detect somethibg. {yeah, I grok BSE is statistically ineffective but with $20000/year for two unemployed people, if a priblem isnt klife threatenng it's not worth risking the plague on the bus.

Yeah, some people dont own privileged per mobiles. Shocking, aint it.

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