This is great news! And it got me wondering if they'll use a biodegradable applicator (or none like OB)? In this day & age, I'm shocked that it's getting harder to find than plastic applicators!

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This is really helpful, thank you for using journalistic, clinical, and expert skills in analyzing and presenting. As a man it was tempting not to read this newsletter, as it does not apply to me personally, but I'm a better father to a daughter and clinician for having read it. Passing muster with the FDA, transparent answers, and your thumbs up so far are worth a lot! Will watch for this in 2024 as it sounds like a superior product.

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Love this! Especially “the best way to deal with Dr. Gunter since she doesn’t seem to like anything.” 😂💕

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Excited to try this!

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I am so tired of the leakage down one side (and down the string) that I will definitely give these a try. My daughter has been trying to convert me to the disc, which she loves.

Potential future topic idea (or maybe a just me thing): saddle sores from cycling. I'm loving the Peloton and started doing longer rides consistently recently, but man, it has been hard on the soft tissue down there. I've read all the suggestions from cycling sites (chamois cream, padded shorts, seat adjustments, etc.) but I'm curious from a physician perspective what the best course of action is once things are already sore. I hate to stop doing exercise I really enjoy when I need it the most because it hurts to sit.

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I can definitely write a post on protecting your perineum! I have a Peleton and have done some long bike rides on the road. Also, I see a lot of people in my office with biking-related discomfort, and my partner is an avid cyclist (he made great suggestions). Meaning, I've got you covered!

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Fantastic! Looking forward to it :)

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This is great to hear! I always assumed the whole dry side but leakage combo was a product of having a tilted uterus. Is it not?

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No, just fluid dynamics and absorption capability. Whether your uterus is angled forward or backward means nothing for bleeding.

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