All week I have been trying to figure out a way to get people to understand the dire consequences of what this administration is doing in the name of personal power and financial gain. Your explanation is right on target. But the problem is getting the general public to understand where we are headed and how this will impact them now and for years to come. They don’t read this. My megaphone is pretty small but trying to put something together to get this critically important message out there. And I don’t care if I lose the few followers I have. Doctors need to speak up. It’s time. So thank you.

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I came for the menopause content, discovered so much more women’s health info, and now, raising a daughter in the US, am staying for the political content. Thank you.

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Ditto. Worth saying! All the content is relevant to my health!

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A friend from Finland wrote on my FB, it’s only 4 years. In 4 years so much devastation can be wreaked on our entire planet that there may be no going back. If ever there was a time for action, it is now.

Thank you Dr Jen for being a beacon of light in this dark time.

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Thank you for continuing to boldly speak out.

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“The employees have also been asked to name anyone involved with DEIA or risk “adverse consequences.” —> I read this in another piece about the CDC and a few articles about immigration. This is effed up. None of this is ok. Your platform just became a vital, necessary source of accurate information. Came for the menopause, staying for the politics and grateful for the candor. Definitely not overreacting.

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I have been a big fan for years but your column today led me to invest in a paid subscription. I agree with all you said and with Lauren’s comment. Years ago I sighed when my NIH program directors advised me to use “intimacy” instead of “sexuality” in my grant applications. Now that seems almost benign. If Kennedy succeeds, millions will die needlessly in the next pandemic, adding to the cruel toll of young women lost to maternal mortality.

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As a Canadian I feel for every person who lives in the US. Yesterday Trump suggested that if we become the 51st state our health care would be better. From what I have heard from so many Americans this is not the case. Health care for all (Bernie Sanders states that often). Women have always taken a back seat it is about time we take the wheel.

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Yeah, no. You're good in Canada.

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Thank you for this. I work in health policy research and much of my work is funded through federal sources (CDC, HRSA, others). It’s been very difficult this week to start to figure out the implications and impact of these policy changes on our work.

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Oy. It's hard to hit "like" on information so dour. Thank you for sharing. It needed to be said. It begs the question, how does one protect oneself if things progress as RK would have them? Do we only take medications, supplements, and have procedures done which were in existence for many years prior to his takeover? How do we trust what is coming through the medical establishment under the new regime? I can see why this would be horrifying to practitioners who care about outcomes and patients!

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Thank you, Jen. It’s nice to see someone telling it like it is instead of sugar coating it.

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We know he will do all he can to make the American people suffer for not electing him in 2020. If that means wiping some of us out by disease, then so be it.

I thank you, Doctor, for continuing to provide ALL kinds of information that all of us need. I truly believe it will end up that only venues like this will have facts rather than Short Fingers' own fake news.

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Thank you for your article on how these actions will have grave consequences for all people in the US, especially women. What can we do besides call our reps and ask Congress to intervene? This is all so concerning, and I have a child with a disability. It’s hard to believe we had a system that was reliable and worked and now we’re in uncharted territory. It’s very scary.

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The problem for American's is the republicans "own" (majority) of the senate and the house. Vance was the deciding vote for the new man in charge of National Defense (once again a man who has a sorted past). The deck is stacked. Canadian's face a new leadership which could be very uncomfortable for many people.

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If we Canadians are stuck with Poilievre as PM after the next election, hopefully he will only have a minority government.

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You are not overreacting. I rely on your work and have switched my subscription to paid in recognition of the role you play in keeping us informed (and appropriately angry).

Did anyone else notice RFK’s mention (twice) of eight years, rather than four?

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Really grateful for you.

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Huzzah. Exceptionally well-said. Depressing and scary. We all need to do whatever we can to increase awareness that of course health is political

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I know of one lady who has been banned from facebook in the US as she was posting derogatory comments about Trump and his "followers". X is also banning people who do not agree with what the government is doing. A convicted felon is the President, a man who has little or no regard for his wife and stepped outside the line of matrimony. I have not seen the statistics for the number of girls and women who have been denied medical care for abortions or pregnancy problems, but think it will get very high in the near future. At least in Canada we do not need a credit card for every doctor appointment and for the majority of medical tests. A women in the US pays a lot of money to deliver her child in a hospital there is something terribly wrong with that. Prescription medications are expensive if people do not have benefits (insurance), but our government has made some changes with life saving medications being affordable and now some experimental cancer medications.

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